One of the wonderful things about losing weight is that yeah! you are losing weight! Also, there are clothes that you can wear that perhaps you haven't worn in a few years. One of the negatives about losing weight (okay, let's not talk about how I haven't had a glass of wine in 6 months and occasionally I stand in the candy aisle of the grocery store and make porn star noises...) is that you might have beloved clothes that don't work for you any more. For instance, I have a light teal knit mock turtle neck that I love to death. By the end of winter last year, this shirt was, um, a little snug.
(The color in this picture isn't very true...I'm working on my photography skills.)
When I tried it on this year, however, I was swimming in it. It was just a titch too big. So, I thought, resignedly, I'll wear it to sleep in. And then I thought, joyfully, (I blow through emotions like tissue paper. Keeps things interesting.) I have a sewing machine and I know how to use it! Kind of.
So, I took my beloved shirt to the sewing room, took a mediocre pre-surgery photo, and took the plunge.
I found a new t-shirt that I liked the fit of, turned my comfy knit inside out, used the new t-shirt as a pattern, like so:

(Okay, not everything I own is this color, honestly.) I then traced right next to the top t-shirt edges, curving in towards the arm pits so that I didn't have to do any sleeve surgery, sewed along that line, took a deep breath and cut just outside the line:
Zig-zagged the seam allowance for stability, et voila! A shirt that fits! And, as a bonus, this new shirt is gently fitted rather than being boxy because of the curve of the line into the arm pit. Not something I had planned - I was honestly just being lazy and not wanting to take the sleeves apart - but a happy little accident none the less.
I am not showing you a picture of me in the shirt, because I still have a very negative sense of my own body, so I'm going to let you imagine me wearing it. (In your imagination I look like a young Katharine Hepburn. Or maybe Lauren Bacall. You know, sexy and smart, gorgeous and a little dangerous. Oh, and there should be a cocktail involved...Go ahead, I'll wait while you imagine that.)
Okay, that's it for the creativity around here for today! Thanks for stopping by!