Monday, October 21, 2013

Teeny Tiny Scraps

While cutting fans for my sunnyside Dresden quilt, I ended up with a lovely pile of very small scraps. I tried to take a picture of them, but it was night time, the light is terrible in my sewing room, and I was too lazy to figure out how to make it better. So, just trust me that the pile was super adorable and far too pretty to toss in the trash. While chain piecing my Dresdens I used the scraps as leaders and enders and eventually ended up with a long string of tiny, wonky pretties which I turned into this:

I am super happy with how it turned out, and have decided that my Dresden quilt definitely has to be grey. It's the perfect neutral for this line. There are some issues, so let's get to 

What I Learned

  • Teeny tiny scraps should probably be foundation pieced. They do not like to walk in straight lines, independent little cusses. I ended up having to cut my 12 1/2" square into a 12" square, losing a little bit of width on two outside edges because of the general crookedness. I don't think it looks too bad, but if I were doing more than one block it would make me nuts.
  • It takes a lot of sewing to make a very small strip of teeny tiny scraps. I don't think I would want to make a whole quilt like this.
  • On the other hand, I adore the look of the strips of teeny tiny scraps (have I said that phrase enough times now?) so I kind of want to make a whole quilt with them. Foundation pieced, of course.
  • Also, I learned that the tension issues my Pfaff was having before she went to the machine doctor were not resolved, so now she has to go off to the manufacturer to be tinkered with. I am a little nervous, but my free motion stitches were just not up to snuff, so off she will go.
Also, I have signed up for a photography class on Craftsy, so hopefully my photos will improve! I'm super excited. Have you checked out Craftsy yet? I am taking "Shoot It! A Product Photography Primer". You can find the class here. I'll let you know how it is, and hopefully you'll see an improvement right here on the ol' blog. You know, all three of you who are reading me!

Thanks for stopping by!